Gorman Street Closing for Fortify Project

From the News & Observer...

The entrance ramp from Gorman Street onto eastbound Interstate 40 will be closed from about 6 p.m. Thursday, March 15, through the weekend so workers can dig it up and replace it.

The ramp is expected to reopen in time for Monday morning rush hour. In the meantime, drivers wishing to go east on I-40 from Gorman will be directed to either Tryon Road or Centennial Parkway to get to the Lake Wheeler Road interchange..

The ramp is the last one to be replaced as part of Fortify, the state’s name for the multiyear effort to rebuild the Beltline across the south side of Raleigh. Contractors had hoped to get the work done before the end of 2017, but poor weather just before Christmas forced them to postpone it.

Next week, if temperatures are warm enough, contractors will resume shifting lanes between U.S. 1 and Gorman Street, putting I-40 into its final alignment. That will include opening a new connector lane on eastbound I-40 from the U.S. 1 on ramp to the Gorman Street exit. ...
— Richard Stradling - N&O
Brent Woodcox