Are Mendell and Cox Anti-Bike?
By Brent Woodcox
At this week's city council meeting, a minor controversy erupted over where bike lanes would be added to roads that are part of the city's BikeRaleigh plan this year.
You can check out the discussion here...
It includes one speaker bemoaning the construction of circular driveways as "destroying the character of the neighborhood." Yes, really.
So Councilors Mendell and Cox blocked bike lanes to prevent anyone the indignity of having to walk across the street after parking their cars. And to protect people who are worried about their lawn and gardening service not being inconvenienced when they visit their very expensive homes.
From the News & Observer...
The YIMBY movement is a visionary movement focused on advocating for policies that will transform our city into a dense, affordable pedestrian and cyclist's paradise.
The NIMBY movement is a reactionary movement that looks to block progress to protect the preferences of localized powerful populations instead of what is best for the city as a whole.
When it comes to these bike lanes, Councilors Mendell and Cox helped NIMBYs win the day.